Here begins part one of the next short(ish) story. Stonesworn follows Benyar, a young Syladrian Dwarf from an up-and-coming Khur-Karzanian noble family. Tipped to become the next family uplifted to the Ironrend Covenant, Benyar's family is on the cusp of greatness. On the surface, the future seems bright, but there is trouble afoot for young Benyar and his house-clan...
Part two will be released on Sunday the 11th of September.
‘What ye are, son of
mine, is a disappointment.’
Benyar looked down at his plate full
of half-picked pork-ribs and honey glaze. As ever, Ermoldulus, the Gnomish
servant, had surpassed himself. But tonight, Benyar was not hungry. Moodily, he
pushed aside a cold boiled potato with his fork and picked a morsel of meat out
of his long, black beard and tossed it away. It landed on the shadowy,
stone-flagged floor of the great hall and was immediately forgotten. From the
shadows that clad all sides of the long, rectangular room, the stone statues of
his many ancestors glared out at him with gem-cut eyes. Weapons in their marble
hands and displeasure upon their features, their death-idols peered disappointedly
at the house-clan sitting to dinner before them.
don’t see wha’s so bad ‘bout it,’ the young Dwarf man said through his dark
beard. ‘People are stronger together: look at us Dwarf-folk and the Gnomes –
we’d be lost without ‘em.’
From the far end of the long, low
table, his father rose from his great stone seat. Thored Volostag was tall for
a Dwarf, some four-and-a-half feet from the ground and broad of chest and
shoulder. His iron-grey beard covered the dark blue doublet he wore, and the great
mass of traditional Dwarf plaits, golden rings, and beaded braids fell to his
round, wide waist – though it did not hide the displeasure on the old Dwarf’s
weathered and scarred face.
It was to the largest of those scars
the old Dwarf now pointed – a long, white mark scoring diagonally across his
face from his right eyebrow brow to bottom-left jaw. ‘Do you know how I got
this?’ he snarled. The fury in his voice echoed around the large stone room,
dimly lit by the candles upon the tables and the huge roaring hearth behind
where Thane Thored Volostag sat at the table’s head.
course I bloody know, Benyar thought to himself, you tell the damn story at every opportunity you get. From where he
was sitting half-way down the long table, Benyar let out a low sigh and glanced
across the table to where his mother, Amelie, sat opposite him. Her coal-black
hair was tied in a bun almost as large as her head, all bundled up behind her
crown. There was sympathy and exhaustion in her chestnut-brown eyes, though no
words came from her round lips. Dropping her gaze from her son and shaking her
head in resignation, she continued to eat from her plate.
Benyar turned to his young twin
sisters, sitting on the side of the table between his mother and where his
father sat at its head. Neither Berra nor Derra offered him any form of
salvation in the cheeky, fresh-faced glances and giggles they shot him. Benyar
gritted his teeth behind his chest-length, dark beard and looked between the
identical young Dwarf-girls, with their identical plaits, braids, and
dark-brown eyes. Still, neither of them offered him any support and instead
continued to snigger, covering their mouths with their small hands. They’re giggling at Nanna Therrin’s statue –
as always.
Benyar’s attention was wrenched from
his sisters and back to his imposing father by the sound of the old Dwarf’s
boot kicking the long table. ‘We’d ‘eard word from the northern mines tha’
there’d been a sightin’ o’ the Old Enemy,’ his father began.
here we go, Benyar thought and rolled his eyes. He dropped his gaze back to
his plate and pulled a small strip of pork from one of the ribs before him. At every Stone-forsaken opportunity. With
a long sigh, Benyar tossed his silver knife and fork onto the finely-crafted
plate before him and made as big of a show of looking everywhere but at his
father as he could. The great, studded iron chandelier above his head with its
many dripping candles helped illuminate the long hall in which they sat, and it
was thrice as interesting as the story he was about to be told for the
thousandth time. Even the two-dozen or so house-clan statues that lined the
edge of the grandiose hall seemed to sigh as a draft of warm air blew through
the room.
Stone-blessed uncle, myself, and three other strong lads went to see if there
was any validity in these claims,’ Thored continued. ‘We arrived at the
northern mines an’ found ‘alf the workers there already dead. Yet
low-an’-behold, there, standin’ over the bodies, was a goblin raidin’-party –
and a stone troll.’
sighed and rolled his eyes again, still casting his gaze about the room and
resting his chin in his hands in a much-exaggerated show of disinterest. ‘So
you, Uncle Garr, an’ yer lads all charged without waitin’ fer reinforcements in
yer hunt fer glory. Everyone was slaughtered in the melee, includin’ Uncle Garr
– would’ve loved to ‘ave met ‘im, by the way, sounds like a top character,’ he
said passively, eyeing one of the many family weapon-heirlooms that were hung
about the long hall. I always liked
Grandma’s sword. Mind, I’d prefer a pot o’ ‘er miserable, cold ol’ gruel over
this wretched tale.
father’s face grew dark with anger behind its great grey beard. ‘How dare ye?’ Thane
Thored hissed through his yellow teeth. He slammed a fist onto the long, dark
mahogany table, making the whole thing quake and the light reflected upon its
fine, polished surface twitch and dance.
pulled his eyes away from the great, wide tapestry depicting his house-clan
tree that hung behind where his mother sat, face in hands and muttering to
herself. ‘Yet it was ye,’ Benyar said as he rose to his feet and leapt onto the
table, sending a decanter of mead spinning towards where his two sisters sat –
they squealed excitedly and laughed at Benyar’s antics. ‘It was ye who, wit’
yer great axe in one ‘and an’ yer fallen brother’s shield in the other, slew
the great stone troll – the hideous rock avatar, the amalgamation of malformed mountain-made-flesh,’
he cried loud, thrusting with an invisible weapon, much to his younger
sibling’s mirth. ‘An’ ye hacked its head from its shoulders an’ brought it ‘ome
to Ma, who gave ye permission to mount the hideous thing on the mantle.’ Benyar
raised a large finger and pointed to where the fire roared in the wide hearth
behind where his father sat. On the great wall above it was the huge, stone
skull of the hideous troll. ‘Why Ma ever let ye put tha’ there is beyond me. By
my ancestors, it’s hideous.’
twin sisters giggled together until their father shot them a dark, nasty look.
‘See?’ the old Dwarf hissed. ‘Ye’ve not an ounce o’ respect for the past. This is why ye want to try and make
allies o’ the pissin’ Vidorians, and o’ those so-called Free Esdarian jellies!
Yer uncle died to defend ‘is ‘ome
from outsiders – yet ye want to welcome them wit’ open arms? This house-clan
has always defended the Halfling-folk
o’ the Syladras Mountains from tha’ which lies above and blelow – yer nae a Volostag,
yer nae a Dwarf! Yer a disgrace to yer family name!’
shook his head sadly and leapt back into the thick, sturdy wooden chair on
which he had sat. ‘If ye say so, Pa,’ he said with a shrug. ‘An’, in my
opinion, it’s antiquated ol’ fossils like ye that are holdin’ back the Halfling
people – think o’ how easily we’d crush the goblins an’ their hordes o’
monsters if we ‘ad a unit o’ Vidorian soldiers to assist us!’
quite enough,’ Benyar’s mother finally spoke in a strong, cold voice that
cracked across the hall. Amelie Volostag pushed back her chair and rose to her
feet – she was of average height and stature for a Dwarf woman, but her face
was cold and collected. Like diamonds amongst dirt, her pale green eyes
glittered dangerously through the half-light of the room. ‘I’ll no’ ‘ave you
two bickerin’ and arguin’ like a pair o’ old ladies,’ she snapped. She turned
and glared down the table towards her husband. ‘Thored, ye’re the house-clan
patriarch, fer Stone’s sake, not some moody, babblin’ storyteller. An’ Benyar,’
she said, narrowing her eyes as she stared across the table at her son, ‘yer
our eldest son. Act like it.’
her words ringing about the Volostag house-clan’s hall, those assembled fell to
quiet. For a few moments, no-one spoke, and only the gentle clatter of cutlery
upon plates was heard. Then, a shuffling sound came from the back of the room
and a fifth, well-dressed figure appeared. He was short – below four-feet in
height – and had a large, round head. The hair upon his scalp was greying and
receding, and his torso and legs seemed too small for his head. The high,
quizzical brow and a long, hooked nose upon which balanced a small pair of
spectacles gave him a near-scholarly appearance, though the tidy apron across
his front told a different story. The small fellow had ears that were as large
as his deft hands, and he carried himself with a sense of duty-won respect.
all well?’ the small, smartly-dressed figure said.
Ermoldulus,’ Thored said from the head of the table in his deep, gravelly
voice. ‘We need no more food, though if ye could bring another decanter of
a wise Gnome, Ermoldulus,’ Benyar interrupted, the young Dwarf turning in his
seat to look at the small man. ‘Do you think the Halfling-folk should seek
allies to the south?’
‘Benyar!’ his mother snapped, hurling
slamming her hand into the table. ‘Will ye just drop it?’
gestured to the Gnome-servant with a hand and glared at his mother. ‘No, I want
to know what Ermoldulus thinks. He’s a clever chap, an’ the Gnome-folk don’t
even get to play a major role in the Ironrend Covenant, despite makin’ up ‘alf
the population beneath the Syladras Mountains!’
father’s voice echoed from the end of the table: ‘The Ironrend Covenant was
established by King Torunsson I to help the Dwarves
rule – the Gnomes were never involved because, much unlike ye, son o’ mine,
they know when to keep their mouths shut.’
blinked his heavily-lidded eyes and glanced from Thored to Benyar, then back
again. ‘T’is not my place, Master Benyar,’ the Gnome said dutifully, before
turning on his heel and quickly retreating into the shadows.
fell again for a few moments. Eventually, Ermoldulus returned with a decanter
of mead and a cloth for the spillage Benyar had caused. He left the fine silver
vessel on the table and retreated after wiping the table clean and bowing low
to the assembled family.
house-clan is on the cusp of being allowed a seat on the Ironrend Covenant – we
could ‘elp rule over our people, or maybe even be kings, Benyar; a Volostag rule the Halflings under the Syladras
Mountains,’ Thane Thored said in a low, threatening voice from the far end of
the table. ‘It’s taken me decades to get the Volostag house-clan where it is,
an’ ye’re goin’ to drag us back into the dirt if you keep ravin’ on about ‘ow
we need Humans to help us wit’ our affairs.’ He took a swig of whatever
alcoholic beverage was in his large, steel tankard and slammed it down on the
table. ‘You’ll destroy us with these views o’ yours. Thanks be to the Great
Creator I ‘ave a second son – my first is no Dwarf.’
of Benyar wished his father’s words would hurt him, but they could not – at
least if they had stung, it would have meant that he cared for the relationship
he had lost. Instead, Benyar found himself simply wishing his father would
disappear. Tomorrow, his younger brother, Gorgrim, would return from the Pits
draped in heroism and glory. He would tell tales of the goblins he had slain,
of the Dwarf-warriors he had rescued, and of the adventures he had been on down
in the deepest, darkest depths of the Syladras Mountains.
knew exactly what would happen: his father would praise his name and lift him
high, calling him his ‘true heir’ before taking delivery of the huge amount of
ancient, lost treasure Gorgrim would doubtlessly bring back with him. Thane
Rhodd Steelshatter, patriarch of the Steelshatter house-clan and one of eleven
High Councilmen in the Ironrend Covenant, would then appear – it had to be him,
Benyar knew his father had orchestrated a deal with Thane Rhodd.
Thored would bow to Thane Rhodd and gift him gold and jewels from some dark,
shadowy corner of the Pits. Then, as
everyone was cheering and celebrating Gorgrim’ victory, King Boragsson II,
himself a member of the Steelshatter house-clan and father of Thane Rhodd,
would arrive in a great fanfare and uplift Benyar’s father to the position of
High Councilman as reward for the Volostag house-clan’s service to the
Syladrian Halflings.
Boragsson II would take Thane Thored, his eldest son Benyar, and the
glory-draped Gorgrim into the High Chamber where they would make oaths upon the
High Seat – all were necessary, for it was not just Thored being sworn-in, it
was also the heirs who would one day take his place. Once complete, though, it
would be Thane Thored Volostag who then became the twelfth councillor to the
king, and would ensure his family joined the list of most noble households from
which kings and queens could be elected – and Benyar would be his direct heir. And
in that moment of familial glory, Thane Thored would look at his eldest son,
Benyar, and he would curl his lip and shake his head. And Benyar would not
If father became king, the
Halfling-folk of the Syladras Mountains would be doomed, Benyar thought. His father’s
antiquated views on how Halfling life should be – separate, aloof to the
problems of the Upper World, and wasted on pointless quests for glory against
monsters in the Pits – would drive his people to ruin. Benyar knew, however,
that if his brother Gorgrim returned from the Pits with so much as a whiff of
glory upon him, his father’s place upon the Ironrend Covenant was secured –
such was the agreement between Thane Thored and Thane Rhodd.
was aware of the honour involved in being a member of a house-clan upon the
Ironrend Covenant; the thousands-of-years-old organisation assisted the king in
the governance of all things that took place under the Syladras Mountains. The
young Dwarf knew, though, that change was coming. Not normal change for the
Halfling-folk, such as a new golbin threat, or a shift in the Stones. Nor was
it a change that would just affect the Halfling peoples. No, whatever was
coming, was far greater. He could feel it in his bones.
of his father and his own thoughts, Benyar tossed his fork down and left his
seat without a backwards glance. He heard his mother sigh and his father let
out a huff of amusement, but Benyar
had better things to be doing. He left the dimly-lit stone hall and strove
deeper into his family’s residence. Losing himself in the great stone corridors
of artisan-level craftsmanship, hewn straight into the insides of the mountains
in which the Syladrian Halflings lived, Benyar tried to think of some way to
convince his father that there was power in alliances. Perhaps Gorgrim can help, he thought. Perhaps his experience in the Pits has changed him.
doubted it, though. Gorgrim knew he was the house-clan favourite over his elder
brother, though rights of succession still meant that, should Thane Thored die,
Benyar was first in-line to receive his wealth and titles – a fact that made Gorgrim
bitter towards his elder sibling. We
shall see, Benyar thought as he turned a corner and walked past the
life-sized statue of his great-grandfather, Amensus. Flesh of fine white marble
and eyes of intricately-cut gemstones, even in death Amensus Volostag was an
indomitable figure: tall and broad – for a Dwarf, at least – with arms as solid
as tree-trunks and a replica of his mighty hammer in his hands.
statue did not stand with the others in the house-clan hall where Benyar’s
mother, father, and sisters were eating. One-hundred years ago, Amensus had
been involved in a civil dispute, the nature of which every Volostag knew but
never spoke of. Thane Thored’s father had attempted to usurp rule of the
Syladrian Halflings, though his attempts had been thwarted when his plans were
discovered by the Ironrend Covenant.
For the Volostags, all that mattered was that
Amensus had been on the losing side and had been tried for and found guilty of
high treason. As a result, he had been forced to swear upon the Heartstone
itself – a legendary and ancient Dwarf relic – that he would enter the Pits in
search of only the greatest glory: the acclamation of such great glory that
one’s previous crimes were outweighed by the magnanimity of new deeds. For
most, this meant the destruction of a great and legendary monster that would
either lift the Oath of Stone from the criminal and earn them their freedom, or
mete out their punishment in the form of a glorious death in battle.
grandfather had never returned when he was sent into the Pits. He had taken
with him his great hammer, Lightstorm, the most valuable weapon-heirloom that
the Volostag family had previously possessed. At least a millennia old,
Lightstorm was a weapon shrouded in myth and familial tale – though talk of the
weapon had ceased as soon as it became clear that Amensus Volostag was never
coming back from the Pits. It was not well-to-do for a house-clan on the cusp
of having a seat upon the Ironrend Covenant to speak of past transgressions and
another long, sad sigh, the young Benyar turned and left the statue of the
grandfather he never knew and walked back into the shadowy corridors of his
home. I hope bein’ a high councilman is
worth it, Benyar thought as he wandered into the shadows once again.
The under-mountain
metropolis of Khur-Karzana was the beating heart of the Syladrian Halfling way
of life. From the mines came gold, silver, gemstones, copper and iron in great
buckets and barrows. From those deep, dark places the treasures of the
mountains were taken to the High Forges – great coal-powered furnaces from
which came the most beautiful creations one could imagine. Bars of gold and
silver as large and thick as a forearm were piled high onto mule and pony-drawn
carts and wheeled away from the towering furnaces. Others, piled high with
copper, iron and steel, went another way, destined to become enormous hammers,
swords, shields, and every kind of armour that existed. Polished gemstones of
every imaginable colour poured from the mines, polished for the artisan Gnomes
who would cut and fashion them into delicate trinkets worth more than the
finest townhouse.
there were the coins. The many long, wide streets of Khur-Karzana that arched
this way and that through the Syldras Mountains like stone veins were packed
full of Halfling-folk – and where there were people, there was money. Coins the
size of a Dwarf’s palm flowed like golden nectar through the streets,
emblazoned with the bearded face and name of King Boragson II on one side, and
on the other a mighty sword and two crossed axes. The richest Dwarves and
Gnomes were unimaginably wealthy, owning vast quantities of gold that they kept
hidden away in giant vaults. Even those who were poorest had a little to their
changed hands and business was done in the streets that ran like arteries
through the mountains, as pony-pulled wagons carrying huge boxes and crates of
goods from the forges rattled through the great caverns and caves that made up
Khur-Karzana. Stone buildings on all sides that were hewed out of the very
mountain’s rock squatted low and stoically gazed out over the streets. The
light from their windows, low and golden-glowing, seeped out onto the great
iron brazier-lit cobbles of the cave-streets.
everything led to one place. All the gold that came and went, like blood, passed
through a heart. In the greatest natural cavern under the mountain, known as
Kava-Toa, sat the High Chamber. The great stone hall was decked with the
statues of the mightiest warriors and ornamented with thousands of trophies from
only the most heroic battles. It sat on a huge shelf of stone on the far-side
of a river of molten rock, only accessible by a long and wide stone bridge that
was guarded at all times by elite Dwarf guards called the Ironrenders. The
fierce guards wore entire suits of heavy plate armour, fashioned to be dark and
menacing, with covered faces but holes to allow for their beards to hang
through. The High Chamber was where the king and the Ironrend Covenant met to
discuss matters of state, and on normal days, the was empty aside from the Ironrenders
in their heavy armour that watched its great gates and the long, wide bridge.
But today was no normal day.
very bridge was packed with Dwarf-folk and many Gnomes. Benyar had counted
around four-hundred of the Halfling-folk. Everyone with as much as a drop of
Volostag blood was present – fifth cousins, thrice-removed aunts and uncles,
even the unpopular Loran-Volostags had turned up for the occasions, though they
stood separately to everyone else in a small group of two-dozen.
nice o’ them to come,’ Benyar’s mother had said when Thane Thored had begun to
grumble. ‘At the very least, they make up numbers a little. An’ don’t you go
kickin’ up a fuss – we’re standin’ in the middle of a crowd o’ your family. Who
knows who’ll hear wha’ ye say.’
Thored had glared at his wife. ‘I am the ‘ead of the Volostag family. I am house-clan
patriarch and wha’ I say-…’
up, Da,’ Benyar said with a sigh. ‘We could be standin’ ‘ere fer hours yet, an’
you bein’ a miserable sod isn’t gonna make time pass faster.’
‘Benyar!’ his mother hissed. ‘The same
goes for ye! Show your father some bleedin’ respect!’
Thored glared at his son. ‘Nae respect for your kin; nae respect for your
people’s way o’ life; nae respect fer your position in the house-clan. Ye’re no
Dwarf. Run along to your tall, thin friends down south.’
shrugged a shoulder. ‘Still, if ye’d ‘ad some ‘elp from the Vidorians, yer
brother may be standin’ next to ya to celebrate the Volostag victory. Instead,
his bones have returned to the Stone.’ Benyar pulled an unappreciative face and
shook his head. ‘An’ all this nonsense with the Pits. One Vidorian Legion –
even a Garedian army from the Free Kingdoms – an’ this whole farce wit’
monsters and goblins’d be over before ye knew it.’
glared at his eldest son. ‘An’ ‘ow’d ye know tha’? ‘Ow’d ye know the tall-folk
wouldn’t jus’ pull down our stone halls an’ call us their conquered, like they
do everythin’ else they touch?’
glared up at his father, unafraid. ‘Because they’re goin’ to end up ‘ere at
some point anyway. ‘Ow long d’ya think it’ll be before some scout party
stumbles across the Great Gates of Khur-Karzana? Then they’ll come wit’ fire an’ sword.’
‘Enough!’ Amelie hissed and smacked both
Thane Thored and Benyar’s shoulders with the back of her hand. ‘Ye’ll both put
this stupid quarrel to rest this instant.
Benyar, if ye’re so desperate to be a political player, perhaps ye’d be
best tryin’ to ensure your family gets its place in the Ironrend Covenant,
instead o’ causin’ a scene on the High Chamber’s very doorstep!’
Thored snorted, folding his big arms across his chest and looking away from his
son. ‘Him? A member o’ the Ironrend Covenant? Not on my watch.’
entirety of the Volostag house-clan had come out to celebrate Gorgrim’s return
from the Pit – for it was rare anyone ever went into the Pits voluntarily in
the search for glory, and even just one of a group of adventurers returning
would see to it that their names was recorded within the Book of the Stone. The
Halfling-folk crowded both sides of the long bridge to the High Chamber,
stopping a few dozen paces from its great, carved doors which were flanked by
two large groups of dark-armoured Ironrenders. Benyar found himself
uninterested though, beyond finding out whether or not his brother was still
alive. He’ll be fine, he thought to himself. He’s a good swordsman.
ticked on. The molten rock hundreds and hundreds of feet below them continued
to bubble and seethe. Gradually, the crowd grew and grew as more and more the
common folk of Khur-Karzana heard word that someone may be returning from the
Pits. Excitement grew, and soon enough, the entirety of the huge stone bridge
was flooded with several thousand of the Halfling folk. The Dwarf men, all
bearded and braided, muttered and grumbled to one-another through their
magnificent manes of facial hair. A few wore armour and carried magnificent
weapons with them, though most simply wore common shirts and doublets. The
women, some brawnier than the men, chatted and compared tips on hair-plaiting,
cooking, armour-care, and weapon-use. Like the men, a few of them wore their
armour and carried their weapons with them, comparing axe-size and
Gnomes were much quieter. They were tucked in amongst the Dwarves, wide-eyed
and round-faced, with large ears that seemed to hear everything yet repeat none
of it audibly. They whispered, tucking the intricate and delicate tools of
their varied artisan trades into their belts and making quiet conversation with
their friends and kin.
the Stone, where is tha’ son o’ mine?’ Thane Thored grunted, adjusting his
great sword, Trollbane, where it hung from the leather strap about his broad
chest. Of course he called it Trollbane, Benyar
thought with a disdainful sniff. He went
into the mines once an’ came out again draped in glory ‘cos he ‘eld a single
troll’s ‘ead – no-one even knows if it was him who killed the damn troll, he
was simply the last sod to be left alive. Benyar said nothing, instead
folding his arms across his chest and lazily resting his hand upon pommel of the
fine sword which hung at his waist.
time passed, and the mood of the crowd began to change. Though a few merchants
had arrived with great trays of ale and sweetbreads, their wares had done
little to calm the worry that was beginning to set in – particularly amongst
the most immediate Volostags.
is brother Gorgrim?’ Berra asked, her long, golden-blonde hair in two
spiralling buns on either side of her head. She pulled on the sleeve of the
flowing green-silk dress that her mother wore.
thought he was supposed to be ‘ere by now,’ Derra echoed, her bright eyes
looking up at her mother. Like her sister, her hair was in two identical buns
either side of her round head.
smiled down at them and took one of each of their hands in either of hers.
‘He’ll be here soon, girls,’ she said. ‘Don’t you both go worryin’ yourselves now.’
glanced up at his plate and mail-wearing father beside him. ‘Perhaps he’d be
‘ere sooner if he had some Vid-…’
you damn-well say it,’ Thane Thored snarled. ‘Tha’s yer brother yer talkin’ about.’
glared at his father. ‘An’ if he’s dead, ye can live with the knowledge that if
he’d ‘ad a few brave Humans at his back to ‘elp ‘im on ‘is quest, he might’ve
made it back alive.’
Thored’s grey-bearded face twisted in wrath. His big hands clenched into heavy
fists and for a moment Benyar thought that he was going to strike him. Then,
from the far end of the long bridge leading to the High Chamber, there came a
yell. ‘He comes!’ a low voice called out. ‘He returns!’
great cheer went up from the assembled crowds, and Thane Thored lost interest
in his eldest son. He strode out from where he stood in the crowd and into the
middle of the road to greet his youngest boy, barging into Benyar as he went.
Benyar felt his fist tighten around the hilt of his blade and he gritted his
teeth to try and control some of his anger. That
fat prick, he thought darkly, screwing his eyes closed and taking a deep
breath. One day I’ll-…
whacked his elbow and he opened his eyes. He spun and glared into the furious
eyes of his mother, who still held one and of each of his twin sisters in one
of hers. Eyes brimming with fury, she pursed her lips together and shook her
head at him. ‘You,’ she mouthed, ‘you…’
dropped his gaze, suddenly ashamed. It’s
not worth it, he told himself. The house-clan
is all; don’t wreck everythin’ over grudges. Benyar’s hand fell from the
hilt of his sword, and he looked back towards the road to see a lone Dwarf
walking across the bridge towards his father. Fighting for a better view,
Benyar pushed his way to the edge of the crowd and leaned out, gazing down the
length of the long stone structure.
brother had left with a dozen other Dwarves; some of the hardiest, bravest and
talented fighters that Syladrian Dwarves had to offer had gone with him. Yet
now, only one of them returned. Suddenly afraid for his brother, Benyar
strained his eyes to get a better look. The lone Dwarf making his way across
the bridge towards the High Chamber was strong-armed and short-bearded. The
dark hair that fell from his face was not enough to hide the cuts, bruises, and
fresh scars that criss-crossed his flesh. His platemail hauberk seemed too big
for him: it hung loosely around his broad shoulders and was tatty at the arms,
covered in many puncture-holes and tears. There was a huge dent in his helmet,
and the back of it had cracked opened, allowing for a cascade of his long,
jet-black hair to fall out.
Dwarf was holding something in his battered and cut hands. He staggered
forwards, clearly wounded and exhausted, clutching his charge in both of his
fists. Word quickly began to flutter through the crowd. ‘He’s found something,’
people were saying. ‘He’s recovered a great relic, a treasure of old. It must
be priceless – it’s all he’s carrying.’
leaned out further from the crowd, just as the lone Dwarf reached where Thane
Thored was standing. The crowd fell silent as the lone Dwarf in his battered
armour fell to his knees and held the item in his hands up to Benyar’s father.
Thored said in a short breath. ‘My son, what has ‘appened?’ He placed his hands
on his son’s battered and sagging shoulders.
battered Gorgrim raised his eyes and held up the object in his hands. ‘We spent
three weeks searchin’ the Pits,’ Gorgrim began. His voice was not as Benyar
remembered it – it had been strong and boisterous, full of life and always
quick to laugh. Now, it sounded hollow and there was an echo to it – the
far-off quake of too many memories.
went deeper an’ deeper,’ Gorgrim continued, ‘fightin’ hordes o’ goblins without
any problem. But-…’
is not the time,’ Thane Thored said and placed his hands on each of his
youngest son’s sullen, sagging cheeks. ‘We shall remember the dead an’
commemorate ‘em accordingly. But this is a good day – for you have returned! Now
is the time for celebration! Tell me, son, what is that in your hands? What
‘ave ye brought me?’
the sidelines, Benyar could see the exhaustion in Gorgrim’s weary face.
‘Father,’ he said in a fatigued, thirst-strapped voice, ‘I bring ye yer
father’s hammer.’ He lifted his hands up, presenting a warhammer of shimmering,
folded steel. Wrought about a strong and sturdy haft and emblazoned in
glittering gold with a great star, Benyar looked at the warhammer with his
mouth wide in awe. All across the bridge to the High Chamber, silence fell as
whispers spread of just what had been found.
Gorgrim said in a choked, weary voice, ‘I bright ye Lightstorm.’
Thored looked down at the hammer presented to him by his youngest son. For a
few moments, he said nothing. Benyar could see on his face that he was unhappy.
He wanted gold an’ riches, the eldest
son thought. He wanted a way to buy into
the Ironrend Covenant – and a hammer doesn’t give ‘im that. More
importantly, though, it was a reminder – a symbol of the dishonour that once
befell the Volostag family.
Thane Thored took the hammer from his son and held it aloft in both hands.
‘This is a great day!’ he cried loud, though Benyar could hear the uncertainty
in his voice. ‘My son has returned, and he has brought a great house-clan
heirloom back from the Pits with him! The dead died gloriously, and their
heroism shall no-doubt earn them a place in the Book of Stone!’
great cheer went up from those assembled, and people began to chant the
Volostag house-clan name. Hands clapped and feet stamped, and the great cavern
in which the Halfling-folk of the Syladras Mountains had communed began to
shake. But Benyar could hear a few folk crying. The other house-clans are here, he thought with a sigh. Some dozen went in, yet only one comes back.
just as the cheering was reaching its climax, the great doors to the High
Chamber opened. Whilst the roar of great cogs and gears twisting and turning
echoed through the enormous cavern of Kava-Toa, the Ironrenders guarding the
great doors stepped aside in perfect formation. From the vast space within,
stepped two figures – both of whom Benyar recognised. The smaller of the two
men and the youngest of the pair was Thane Rhodd Steelshatter: imposing,
dark-featured, with mahogany-brown hair and a great beard spilling out from
beneath the winged ceremonial steel helmet he wore. Beside him was his father,
King Boragsson II – resplendent in glorious years and dark blue and
gold-trimmed armour. His silver-white beard had not thinned, neither had the
hair from his head; his features promised experience and wisdom, and his dark
green eyes glinted with cunning and calculation. He carried at his hip
Thundersoul, a sword held by the Steelshatter family since before the Eons began
– it was as much a right to office as the huge golden crown upon his head.
entire assembled crowd fell to their knees before their king as two-dozen
Ironrenders poured out from the High Chamber behind their king. Benyar followed
suit, dropping to a knee. Before him, the procession continued as he had
expected it would: his father and younger brother also kneeled until the king
bade them to stand. Any moment they’ll
call me, Benyar thought. I’ll be made
to swear upon the High Seat to be true to the Ironrend Covenant. Benyar
understood the importance, and knew that one day he would have to step up and
take his place amongst the Halfling nobility when his father died. Maybe then I’ll ‘ave a chance to undo some
o’ the havoc he’ll doubtlessly sow.
Thored Volostag,’ King Boragsson II said in a deep, booming voice. ‘Ye an’ yer
son, Gorgrim, come before your king and the Ironrend Covenant draped in glory.
For it ‘as been many a year since a Halfling has returned from the Pits with
such a prestigious treasure.’
king paused and cast his eye out across the assembled crowds. For a moment, the
kneeling Halflings held their breath as they looked up at their king, proud and
glittering. They all knew what should come next, that the Ironrend Covenant
should gain its twelfth house-clan representative. Benyar knew it, his mother
and sisters knew it, the Gnomes and other Dwarves crowding the bridge knew it.
thank you for your heroism and bravery,’ King Boragsson II said to Gorgrim with
a nod of his head. ‘You shall be well-rewarded for your heroism.’
watched as Thane Rhodd Steelshatter stepped closer to his father. ‘The High
Seat is ready for their oaths, my king, should you-…’
king raised a hand. ‘No,’ he said slowly and quietly, shaking his head. ‘Maybe
one day, but not today.’
watched as his father quickly staggered to his feet. ‘Wha’s this?’ he said. ‘My
son and I are ready, we-…’
Boragsson II shook his head. ‘I know wha’ my son promised ye. He was a fool.
Your family shall not be uplifted into the Ironrend Covenant this day.’
was a collective gasp from the on-looking Halflings, followed by murmurs and
whispers as words of rumour and speculation flew from lips to the ears of
others. Benyar’s eyes widened in surprise, and beside him he heard his mother
gasp in shock. His twin sisters broke into a torrent of questions: ‘What’s
going on, Mother?’ and ‘I don’t understand, what’s happening?’
was about to step from the crowd and approach his brother and father to see if
he could be of any assistance when, quite suddenly, King Boragsson II looked
him dead in the eye. His gaze was as sharp and piercing as the legendary sword
at his hip, and his face was as cold as the white of his beard. ‘Your house-clan
is not fit to be upon the Ironrend
Covenant,’ he said in a threatening hiss. Without another word, he turned and
marched back into the High Chamber, his cohort of Ironrenders with him.
Rhodd looked desperately from the fast-retreating figure of the king to Thane
Thored before eventually breaking into a jog to catch up with his father. Benyar
watched as the figures disappeared back into the dark space within the wide,
low building. He could see pillars and more statues through the gloom. With a
great boom, the doors to the High Chamber
slammed shut, and the Volotstag house-clan, along with the hundreds of other
Halflings present, were left in a stunned silence.
a moment, no-one moved or spoke. It had seemed so certain to all present;
surely Gorgrim Volostag’s return from the Pits provided all the glory and
excuse one needed to be uplifted into the Ironrend Covenant? So few ever went
down to the Pits voluntarily, and even fewer ever came back – particularly with
a long-lost family heirloom. But Benyar had a terrible feeling he knew why his
family’s passage into true Halfling greatness had been denied: the look on King
Boragsson’s face had been one of utter distaste – and it had been directed
straight at him.
He’s heard, Benyar thought nervously, glancing
at his boots. Around him, he could hear whispers: people were talking, tongues
were wagging and ears were listening. ‘I just ‘eard ‘im talkin’ to ‘is mother,’
one voice was saying, ‘an’ he was sayin’ ‘ow we should go lookin’ fer ‘elp from
Men an’ Elves.’
a Gnomish voice said in reply, shrill and firm. ‘Us? Need help? Never!’
swallowed, playing with a long black plait in his beard. He glanced around
himself, suddenly aware that there were eyes upon him. People were whispering.
People were talking. He’s ‘eard that I
think we should look for allies, Benyar thought frantically, swallowing a
nervous lump in his throat. An’ now he’s
denied us passage. That must be it. That must-…
brother and father stood where they had before the king, right before the doors
to Thane Thored’s great goal: the High Chamber. Those doors were tightly
closed, perhaps to the Volostag house-clans forever, and once again a row of
Ironrenders had arranged themselves in front of the high, heavy structure to
block any attempt at entry. Thane Thored had turned, though. His eyes were
no-longer on the doors to the High Chamber. Now, they were fixed on his eldest
son. Cold and brimming with fury, for a few moments Thane Thored said nothing.
Beside him, Gorgrim looked heartbroken. His eyes were wide with sorrow and his
posture had fallen. He looked like a carcass in his ruined armour and clothing,
propped up on sticks and lashed together with string.
Thored approached Benyar, holding Lightstorm in his hands. As soon as he stood
before Benyar, he thrust the heavy steel hammer into the hands of his eldest
son. Finally, the patriarch of the Volostag house-clan opened his mouth and
spoke: ‘A fitting weapon for ye. Just like my father ye’ve heaped shame upon us
all,’ he said with a wide sweep of his arm at the crowds around him. ‘Ye’ve
humiliated us. Your ploughin’ opinions on so-called allies ‘ave left us with none.’
this is no’ what I wanted,’ Benyar cried. ‘I jus’ thought tha’-…’
thought what, hm?’ Thane Thored
snarled at Benyar. ‘Ye thought tha’ spoutin’ off about how the Halfling-folk so
desperately need outsiders to help us
would see us carried to the High Chamber atop Dwarf-shoulders?’
nowhere, Benyar’s mother appeared. ‘Thored, tha’s enough,’ she said sternly.
‘Not now, not ever. This can be fixed.’
‘Fixed?’ Thored yelled, startling some of
the Halflings still close by. ‘This cannae be fixed! King Boragsson will no’ admit us into the Ironrend Covenant
for as long as he is a part o’ this
family!’ The Volostag house-clan patriarch jabbed a finger into Benyar’s chest.
‘Everythin’ I’ve worked for me entire life has just been brought to
ruin about me because my weak son needs to be friends with the tall folk!’
said nothing. Instead, she took Berra and Derra by the hands and led them away
with nothing more than a reproachful glare at her husband. Benyar felt crushed.
She agrees, he thought, gazing at the
floor. She agrees wit’ Father.
appeared at his father’s side, eyes ringed with great grey bags. His face was
blank and his eyes faraway. He seemed to have aged three decades since Benyar
last saw him. His face was weathered and there was blood dried around his
nostrils and at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Benyar – or rather looked
straight through him.
sorry, Gorgrim,’ Benyar said quietly.
Gorgrim said in a low whisper, his eyes flitting away from Benyar’s face. ‘Just
don’t. My friends died to try an’ bring this family a few ounces o’ glory. A
dozen good men lie dead in the Pits – for nothin’.’
Silence fell between the three Volostag men
for a few moments. Eventually, Thane Thored put his hand on the
exhausted-looking Gorgrim’s shoulder and began to walk away from Benyar. Just
as he was leaving, he turned and looked over his shoulder at Benyar. ‘Ye are no
son of mine,’ he said in a low, dark voice, before barging his way through the
departing crowds and back towards the rest of the metropolis of Khur-Karzana. Gorgrim
shot Benyar a deeply wounded look before disappearing after his father.
stood alone on the bridge that led to the High Chamber for a long time,
Lightstorm, his grandfather’s hammer and the symbol of his shame, heavy in his
hands. The rest of the crowd had long-since left, and, aside for the Ironrenders
who stood as still as the Stone itself, he was alone. He wanted to be able to
cast his ideas on alliances aside and grovel at the feet of his father, to beg
for forgiveness, and to weep his regret before his brother, but he could not.
The Syladrian Halflings had been too successful for too long: there was gold
everywhere, there had been for centuries; goblin incursions were at an all-time
low; wealth ran through Khur-Karzana like water down a deep, wide river. It
made most complacent, for men like his father thought that the occasional foray
against goblins was enough to constitute a continuation of house-clan honour.
Benyar, however, was worried. Things were quiet. Too quiet.
he gazed at the stone of the Syladras Mountains arching away above him, Benyar
found no way to reconcile his beliefs with the love of his family. Maybe it was
Dwarven pride that stopped him, but he could not bring himself to seek out his father
and apologise. He could not stand before a man so opposed to what he believed
in and pretend he was sorry for his opinions. He would not do it.
of heart, Benyar turned and began to make his way back across the great stone
bridge. ‘By the Stone,’ he said to himself in a whisper, ‘wha’ ‘ave I done to
myself? Wha’ am I to do?’
I rate this 9/11.