Following on from where part one ended, the next installment of Stonesworn continues to follow Benyar through his downward-spiraling day. Returning home from the humiliation served by the hands of King Boragsson, the young Dwarf protagonist discovers that things are only about to get worse for him and his fracturing clan-family...
The final part of Stonesworn will be released on Sunday the 18th of September
Benyar returned
home long after the rest of his family, late into the night. Of course, he had
no idea it was night-time, for the city of Khur-Karzana never slept. It was
constantly lit by torches and fat braziers belching coal-light, and the air was
always alive with the roar of industry: the hissing rumble of the forges, the clang-clanging of anvils, the cries and
laughter of a thousand voices. Halfling-folk under the mountains slept when
they needed to, not at night like the Men and Elves of the Upper World.
Those he had passed had all steered
well clear of his path. Hands had shot to mouths, Dwarf-women had whispered to
the folk they walked with, whilst the Dwarf-men had glared at Benyar bitterly. ‘We don’t need the tall-folk,’ Benyar heard one
gruff-looking, one-eyed Dwarf snarl as he passed. ‘They spend all their lives
up there in the empty air – their heads are full o’ nothin’!’
the entire city heard? Benyar thought as he went, his cheeks reddening in
humiliation beneath his dark beard. He knew well he could no-longer stay in
Khur-Karzana – maybe not even in one of the smaller settlements under the
Syladras Mountains. He could hear names following him already: ‘Craven,’ one
voice said. ‘It’s a grand job ‘is brother is nae a coward.’
Benyar feared he would have to leave
the Syladras Mountains altogether. Amongst the Syladrians, it was rare for a
Dwarf or Gnome ever left their mountains to journey into the Upper World, and
those that did were never welcome to return – unless given express permission
by the king or another member of the Ironrend Covenant. Benyar had heard
stories and rumours, though, that in other Dwarf-kingdoms it was becoming
increasingly less taboo.
As he stood outside the grand home
in which he had grown up, Benyar felt only cold. The low, wide windows held no
warming, promising glow of welcome, and the great wooden door was firmly
sealed. The very mountain-stone into which the large home was carved, with its
wide, flat walls and hefty support-columns, seemed to frown at him. Gripped
with shame and heartbreak, Benyar sighed and slowly ascended the short flight
of three stairs to the front of the house. I
need to leave, he thought as he went. I’ll
just grab a few o’ my things an’ I’ll leave the Syladras Mountains forever.
I’ll make a new like wit’ the Tall Folk, away from ‘ere, from pryin’ eyes an’
whisperin’ tongues. Away from my brother and father. He placed his hand on
the heavy wood of the door and pushed.
It did not move. They’ve locked me out, Benyar thought,
his eyes and mouth wide with shock. How
dare they! This is as much my ‘ome as it is theirs! He raised a fist and
banged heavily on the door, aware that those Halflings passing in the street
behind him were staring. Everyone’s
starin’. Everyone knows. Oh, the shame of it.
No-one came. Not even Ermoldulus came
to open the door for Benyar. For a few minutes, he stood, staring at the door
in disbelief. Benyar thought about taking his grandfather’s hammer and smashing
the door down – but he knew that causing such an aggressive scene in the
streets would draw the attention of the guard. He really ‘as disowned me, Benyar thought to himself, suddenly
overcome with shock and sorrow. He sank down to his knees, staring at the door
in disbelief. His spirit was gone – he suddenly felt empty. Who am I if I’m nae a Volostag? he
thought, completely at a loss.
Then, fire burned in his belly.
Quickly, Benyar scrambled to his feet and looked around, glancing up at the
walls, windows and support-columns that made up the house front. This is a test, he thought to himself as
he grabbed onto the lowest windowsill. He tucked his grandfather’s heavy hammer
into the belt he wore. It was too large and hung awkwardly, catching the back
of his knees at one end and beating his upper-back with the other. This is tha’ lousy ol’ Stone-forsaken prick
o’ a father’s trial. He wants to see if I’ll give up. He wants to watch me
fail. I ‘ave to get inside an’ prove I ain’t goin’ down without a fight!
Benyar heaved himself up, climbing
higher and higher up the front of his home, aware that Halflings in the street
behind him were stopping to watch what he was doing. He wants to humiliate me in front o’ all these people – may the Stone
swallow ‘im! Once I’ve left the mountains, I’ll never see ‘em again. He wants
me to come in weepin’ and beggin’, but I won’t. I’ll stand tall an’ proud before
‘im, a true Volostag-…
Benyar heaved himself up onto the
next small ledge in the face of the stone house and suddenly became aware of
raised voices from within. One was definitely his father’s, but the other was
too quiet to properly make out. People in the street below were stopping and
pointing up at him, calling out remarks and making it all the more difficult
for him to hear what was going on. ‘Perhaps he thinks that if he climbs high
enough, he’ll escape the mountain and be able to find his tall friends,’ Benyar
heard a high-pitched Gnomish voice say. A chorus of low chuckles drifted up to
Gritting his teeth, Benyar pulled
himself up onto the ledge of the largest window in the front of his home. The
window itself was an inch or so taller than he was, and was large and square,
lined with criss-crossing lead that formed a diamond-shape pattern upon the
glass. His grandfather’s hammer weighed heavily upon his back and for a moment
he thought he would topple backwards and fall into the street. He managed to
reach out and grab the windowpane before he fell, and peered in through the
Benyar eyed the scene through the
single-glazed, leaded window. He pressed his face against the glass to better
see the inside, for the criss-crossing lead lining upon the window distorted
what was going on inside. Clearly, though, Benyar could identify the two
figures: one was his father, Thane Thored; the other was his brother, Gorgrim.
They stood in the wide and long chamber in which the thane and his wife slept.
It was a grand room, with carved-wood bookcases up against the wall, and a
deep, wide bed at the far end. A great many hunting trophies and animal skulls
from forays against the goblins and hunts in the depths of the mines were
decked upon the walls, and dead, empty eye-sockets stared down at the two
quarrelling Dwarf men below.
Benyar knew that his arguing family
members could not see him, for they were both standing in a corner of the room
close to where the wide bed was. Gorgrim was still in his battered armour and
had his sword at his hip, though Thane Thored had changed into a dark brown
doublet and some heavy, leather trousers. Both men were yelling at one-another,
and Benyar pressed himself against the glass of the window to try and hear.
Below, the Halfings in the street were watching him, though most seemed to have
lost interest and had wandered off, back about their own business.
‘This is as much your own fault as
Benyar’s!’ Thane Thored roared at his younger son. ‘Ye were supposed to come
back wit’ gold! Wit’ jewels! Instead, ye brought back tha’ accursed weapon and
reminded the entirity of Khur-Karzana, the Ironrend Covenant, and the ploughin’
king ‘imself that we’ve ‘ad a Stonesworn in our family!’
‘There was nothin’ down there!’ Gorgrim yelled back, taking off his ruined
helmet and hurling it across the bedroom. ‘Skeletons and shadows – no gold, no
jewels, nothin’.’
‘If there was nothin’ down there,
then wha’ killed yer comrades, hm?’ Thane Thored growled, folding his arms
across his big chest.
Benyar watched as Gorgrim turned
away and placed both his hands on a low writing-desk beside the bed. For a
moment, he said nothing, but Benyar could see him fiddling with the quills,
letter-opening knives, and sheets of parchment left there.
Eventually, he spoke. ‘We travelled
down into the Pits for two weeks, hammerin’ the goblins, trolls, and whatever
other nonsense we found. Then, we ‘appened across this dark passageway tha’
didn’t show on any o’ the maps. It looked ancient though, far older than
anythin’ else in the Pits. Thinkin’ it was a chance at long-lost and forsaken
treasure, we all ‘eaded down there an’ into the dark.’
paused for a moment, biting his lip nervously. ‘Then things started to ‘appen,’
he said in a voice so quiet that Benyar almost couldn’t hear. The eldest
Volostag son pressed himself harder against the glass to try and make out what
was being said. ‘Bylar started ‘avin’ nightmares, and could say nowt but
“they’re comin’” when he was wakin’. Then we ‘appened across this ancient cache
of ol’-lookin’ weapons. Most of ‘em were too dusty an’ useless, but there was
this one sword tha’ we gave to Yldr as ‘is ‘ammer ‘ad shattered on the ‘ead of
a particularly large cavern-warg.’
wha’?’ Thane Thored demanded.
watched as Gorgrim lifted his exhausted eyes to his father. ‘Then, he began to
lose ‘is mind as well. Said the weapon was tellin’ ‘im to do things, makin’ ‘im
think dark thoughts. We awoke one night to find ‘im hackin’ apart Esmelda.’
eyes widened as he listened at the window, and he saw his father step back away
from his son in shock. Gorgrim continued. ‘Then, on the thirtieth day, figures
appeared. I don’t know wha’ they were,’ he said quietly. ‘Shadowy Men, I think
– I couldn’t be sure. They fell upon us from the darkness and tore us apart. I
was the only one who managed to get away.’
was a moment of silence from inside the room. Eventually, Thane Thored spoke.
‘An’ yet ye ran from ‘em? From these Men-like creatures instead o’ standin’ an’
fightin’ ‘em?’
whirled, his fists locked. ‘Wha’ was I to do?’ he yelled. ‘Die? They were too
strong! They were too good!’
Thored snorted. ‘Ye sound like tha’ stutterin’ fool Benyar. Men-like creatures?
Stronger than us Dwarves? ‘Ave ye gone mad?’
slaughtered us all!’ Gorgrim cried.
‘They butchered us like animals!’
you should’ve fought ‘arder!’ Thane
Thored roared at his son. ‘Because all you managed to drag back from the Pits
was tha’ festerin’ hammer, and because o’ Benyar flappin’ on about ‘ow we need
the Vidorian Empire an’ the soldiers o’ the Free Kingdoms to ‘elp us with all
our deeds, the Volostag house-clan are honourless.
We will never be upon the
Ironrend Covenant, and I will never be
was a flash of shining steel. Benyar watched in horror as Gorgrim opened his
fist – in his right hand he held one of the long, devilishly sharp
letter-openers from the writing desk. Benyar threw all his weight into the
window and it shattered. He fell into the room, landing heavily upon the broken
glass and the stones beyond. He looked up – too late – to see his father lying
on the stone floor beside him. His eyes were wide and surprised and his mouth
hung open. The long, iron-grey hair about his head was slowly being stained
dark red by the blood pumping from the wound to his temple – in which the
small, steel letter-opener was buried.
staggered to his feet and looked at his brother, who was standing over his
father’s body with wide eyes and a face twisted in anger. His fists were
clenched and held before him as if he were about to punch someone, and his
chest rose and fell heavily as he took shallow, fast breaths. ‘Gorgrim,’ Benyar
said in a whisper, ‘wha’ ‘ave ye done?’
looked up, and for a moment he looked as if he were about to collapse – his
eyes seemed to glaze with tears, and his face twitched with, what Benyar
thought, was sorrow. ‘I’m sorry, Ben,’ he said quietly. ‘I’m so sorry.’
shook his head and took a step back towards the window. ‘Why?’ he said in a
breath. ‘He was an ol’ fool, but-…’ Words failed Benyar and he held a hand out
to Gorgrim, gesturing between him and the corpse of their father.
sorry,’ Gorgrim said. ‘Really, I am.’
the youngest Volostag son leapt forwards and grabbed hold of Benyar’s hand in
both of his own. Benyar looked down at Gorgrim’s bloody hands, and now his own
blood-smeared fist. ‘Gorgrim, no…’ he said in a breath.
Gorgrim cried, shoving Benyar as hard as he could in the chest. ‘You killed
him! You killed Father!’
tried to draw his sword but Gorgrim was too fast. Blow after blow rained down
on his head and face, and soon the young Dwarf was staggering around the room,
doing the best he could to keep his head protected by lifting his hands to
cover his face. Gorgrim kept yelling all the while: ‘Murderer! Killer! Traitor!
Treason! Treason!’
then he was back at the shattered window. Before he could help himself, Benyar
found himself gripping at the frame, trying not to let Gorgrim push him out. He
could hear cries from the street below – the crowd that had watched him clamber
up the face of his home and break through the window were now crying out for
the guards and watching what was taking place some twenty feet up the face of
the Volostag residence. ‘I knew ‘ee was a bad-‘un!’ someone was yelling from
below. ‘I knew it, I told ye!’
over his shoulder, only now did Benyar truly appreciate the dizzying drop down
onto the cavern-street below. There were some thirty Halflings there,
Dwarf-folk and Gnomes, all watching what was going on. ‘Gorgrim, please,’
Benyar choked as his brother placed both his hands on his chest and began to
force him out of the window. ‘Please, don’t do this.’
crowd below gasped and shrieked as Benyar began to slip, too dazed and weary to
fight off his furious brother. He gripped the broken window-frame with all his
might, broken glass cutting his palms and the backs of his legs as he was
pushed further and further back. He could hear footsteps on the stairs, heavy
and fast – his mother, for Ermoldulus glided silently everywhere. If I can jus’ ‘ang on a little longer…
sorry, brother,’ Gorgrim said in a whisper. Benyar looked into his brother’s
dark eyes, ringed with great grey spheres. His black beard was frizzy and wiry,
flecked with blood and tatty, as if it had been pulled out in places. His face
had changed – there was a tightness in it he had never seen before. There was a
twitch in his eye, and line at the corner of his mouth. He’s insane, Benyar thought. He’s
lost his mind in the Pits.
shard of glass snapped and buried itself deep into Benyar’s hand. He cried out
and instinctively let go of the frame. In that moment, Gorgrim pushed into
Benyar’s chest with all his might. Benyar felt himself slip and desperately
tried to grab back onto the window frame, but it was too late. Before he could
even cry out, he was falling. He could feel the warm air of Khur-Karzana
whipping past him as he plunged downwards. Gorgrim,
ye bastard, Benyar thought as he fell. Ye
mad bastard.
crashed into the street, and the world went cold.
Benyar had always
wondered what it was like inside the High Chamber. He had dreamed of being able
to walk around the great, wide space and look at the detail wrought into the
great, high pillars and many gold-plated statues of kings that could stand between
them. He had wondered where the Covenant sat – at benches or a table? On
individual seats or on a large, amphitheatre-like pew?
There were fewer statues than he had
imagines in the great, wide, circular space, though around the edge of the room
there was a ring of carved columns. The walls were decorated in a fashion he
had expected: a great carved mural depicting the story of the Ironrend
Covenant, from King Borag Ironrend leading the other clans to the Syladras
Mountains some two-thousand years ago, up to the establishment of the Covenant
itself under his son, King Boragsson I. The rest of the available space upon
the circular walls was filled in with dramatic pictures telling of old tales –
wars with Elves, Dwarves slaying dragons and so-on. Benyar had been surprised
to see a little of the wall was even given over to Gnomish feats of heroism. He
recognised Gifu, the she-Gnome of legend who had ridden a mule into battle alone
against one-thousand goblins.
‘The charges laid against you are as
follows:’ Thane Barras Stoneshaper said, reading from the small scroll before
him, ‘breaking an’ entry into the home of the Volostag house-clan, and the
murder of Thane Thored Volostag, as well as the spread of treasonous talk
throughout city of Khur-Karzana. ‘Ave ye any last words to say in your
An hour before, Benyar had been
dragged from his cell in the Durhzal Dungeons, stripped to the waist and
barefoot, then made to march through the streets in chains. He had been pelted
with rotted fruit, stones, even copper coins, as everyone had made an effort to
shame and humiliate the man convicted of the murder of one of the Syladrian
Halflings’ best-known thanes.
He had been escorted into the High
Chamber and made to kneel before King Boragsson II and the Ironrend Covenant.
The king, who sat in an enormous throne of stone and gold, the back of which
reached twenty feet into the air and was inscribed with the words ‘Whoever
shall sit here, may the weight of the Stone keep him forever humble,’ had not
said a word throughout Benyar’s brief trial. However, the eleven other
individuals sat either side of him on smaller stone seats had brought forth
countless witnesses.
house-clan patriarchs who had seats upon the Ironrend Covenant had plucked from
the streets every single person who had been outside the Volostag residence
that fateful night. Dwarf men and women, as well as a few Gnomes, had all
testified as to how they had seen him break into the home of the man who had
disowned him before the High Chamber the previous day.
seemed furious,’ one old Dwarf with a patchy beard and balding head had said.
‘Muttering and cursing t’ ‘imself as ‘ee went. All covered in weapons, too.
Seems clear ‘nuff t’ me wha’ ‘ee were plannin’.’
the window in with his fists, he did,’ a young Dwarf-woman with a short, boyish
haircut said. ‘My Nancee and I saw it all from the street. If we’d known that he
was plannin’ to do ‘is father one, we’d’a clambered up there and tossed ‘im
down from the window ourselves!’
felt like the entire world’s enemy. He knelt at the foot of the throne in the
circular chamber for hours whilst the golden flames thrown up by the huge, deep
fire pit in the middle of the room spat eerie shadows out across the walls.
Dozens of people came, called him a murderer, and left again. Even Gorgrim had
appeared. He had shown no remorse and had lied through his teeth, calling
Benyar a crazed, bitter psychopath and describing the attack he had committed
as if it were all Benyar’s doing. When he had tried to protest his younger
brother’s words, Benyar had been punched in the mouth by the surly Ironrender
standing beside him.
ask you again, Benyar, have ye anything to say in your defence?’
didn’t do it,’ he said in a low whisper. ‘It was Gorgrim.’
patriarchs who made up the Ironrend Covenant and the king himself all sighed
and rolled their eyes. ‘Very well,’ Thane Stoneshaper said with a roll of his
dark eyes and a pat of his long beard, ‘King Boragsson II and the Ironrend
Covenant understand that is what took place yesterday night: bitter following
your father’s disownment of you and the recognition you would never sit upon
the Ironrend Covenant or inherit your father’s titles, you returned to the
Volostag family residence – where ye were no-longer welcome. When this was made
clear to ye, ye decided to try an’ break into the building. This ye did by
climbin’ the face o’ the home an’ breakin’ the window tha’ led into yer
father’s quarters. Ye found ‘im there, alone and upset followin’ an argument
he’d just ‘ad with ‘is son and heir, Thane Gorgrim Volostag. Ye seized yer
opportunity an’ stabbed ‘im with a letter-opener.
Gorgrim, who ‘ad stormed out the room to get away from ‘is father, ‘eard the
upset, he re-entered an’ found ye standin’ o’er the body o’ the late Thane
Thored Volostag. The two of ye fought after ye made to attack Thane Gorgrim, as
ye were jealous of ‘is success down in the Pits, an’ Gorgrim managed to throw
ye out the very window through which ye entered,’ Thane Stoneshaper concluded. ‘I’ll
ask ye one final time – how d’ya plead?’
Benyar shook his head. ‘Not guilty,’ he said. ‘I never liked Da, but I’d never
hurt the man. Never.’
so ‘is mother said,’ Thane Gorr Magmapael called from where he sat beside King
Boragsson II. The short, fat Dwarf with a large ginger beard and a heavy brow
had sharp, glinting eyes that saw everything and exploited all details – he was
the only member of the Covenant who had spoken a word in Benyar’s favour. ‘Ye
cannae discount tha’, ‘is mother knows ‘im better than any o’ us. Wha’ if Gorgrim’s
we’ve ‘eard she did not arrive until after Benyar had been tossed from the
window by Thane Volostag,’ Thane Neyti Norren, a frightening-faced,
silver-haired Dwarf-woman with arms like ancient tree-trunk snarled. ‘We cannae
simply use ‘er assumption tha’
Benyar’s innocent when all the signs point to his guilt.’
Gorr,’ Thane Brach Antillus said from beneath his staggeringly enormous blonde
beard, ‘ye ‘ave to admit tha’ the simple weight o’ testimony against the
defendant is enough to prove ‘is guilt. Besides – why would Gorgrim murder ‘is
own father? Folk saw ‘em together jus’ a few hours before, right outside these
Magmapael sighed and fell silent, shaking his head in disagreement. ‘I don’t
like it,’ he said. ‘Somethin’ is fishy ‘bout all this.’
the pause that followed, Benyar became resigned to his fate. One-hundred years in the Durhzal Dungeons, he
thought. Tha’ or it’ll be the axe. Benyar
was unsure which he would prefer. At
least there’s a small chance o’ escape from Durhzal.
‘eard enough,’ King Boragsson’s voice rocked the chamber, rumbling and
powerful. The silence seemed to get quieter in the wake of the powerful Dwarf’s
booming echo of speech. Benyar lifted his eyes to look at the resplendent
Dwarf, with his thick white beard and enormous golden crown of office. ‘I am
ready to pass judgement ‘avin’ listened to the advice of the Ironrend
wrinkled, balding Gnomish scribe sitting just behind the king’s throne, so deep
in shadow Benyar had not seen him, rose to his feet and passed the king a long
roll of parchment – the proceedings from the trial. King Boragsson II barely so
much as glanced at the Man-sized piece of parchment before handing it back to
the scribe. He fixed his cold, hard gaze on Benyar and spoke again: ‘Benyar,
formerly o’ the Volostag house-clan, disowned son o’ the late Thane Thored Thored
Volostag an’ ‘is wife, Lady Amelie, an’ former brother of Thane Gorgrim
Volostag; I find ye guilty on account of all the crimes ye ‘ave committed. In
the five-hundred and ninety-ninth year o’ the Bright Epoch of the Dwarf and
Gnome-folk, on the day your brother, Gorgrim, returned from the Pits – the
first soul to do so in many years – out of anger and jealously, ye murdered
your father, Thane Thored.
that ye had been disowned for your beliefs – that the Halfling-folk should seek
the ‘elp of Men in their battles with the goblins of the Below, itself
treasonous and slanderous talk – ye struck out against the man who ‘ad formerly
been yer father an’ killed ‘im. Ye were caught in the act by your brother,
Thane Gorgrim, who fought ye off and drove ye from the Volostag house-clan
was a pause again as King Boragsson II eyed Benyar up and down. Beside him,
Thane Gorr Magmapael shook his large, ginger-haired head slowly and played with
the cuff of his expensive red robe. The rest of the Ironrend Covenant gazed at
Benyar down the lengths of their noses, waiting for the king to pass sentence
upon Benyar.
last, the king spoke again. ‘This feud that ‘as led to the death of a famed and
well-loved thane was brought about through jealousy an’ spite. I think it only
fittin’ that we see whether or nae ye are ‘alf the Dwarf that Thane Gorgrim
is.’ Boragsson glared down from where he stood before his throne. Benyar
dropped his dark-haired and bearded head, looking at the intricately mosaicked
a moment, there was complete silence. Only the far-off rumble of the river of
molten rock flowing beneath the High Chamber filled the air, as all those
present looked at one another, waiting with bated breath to see what the king
would say next. Then, King Boragsson stepped forwards and stood as straight and
proud as he could, his white beard gleaming and shining in the brazier-light.
‘Bring forth the Heartstone!’ the king
yelled at the top of his lungs.
felt the colour drain from his face and for a few moments he thought his heart
had stopped beating. In silent shock he knelt, stipped to the wait in the
middle of the High Chamber, staring wide-eyed at the king. ‘My king, ye cannae
mean to-…’
King Boragsson II commanded. ‘This is your punishment.’
the shadows came four Ironrenders. The heavy metal boots about their feet
clanked upon the stone as they crossed towards Benyar. Between them, upon a
great golden plinth, they held a huge, dark hunk of black obsidian. It was the
size of a Dwarf, and had been left uncut and undecorated. Its edges glinted
translucent purple in the light thrown up by the huge fire pit behind Benyar;
shadowy, dark and ominous.
stone was found in the middle o’ this cavern when it was dug out two-thousand
years ago, back in the First Epoch, and ‘as forever since been known as the
Heartstone,’ King Boragsson II said from where he stood by his throne. ‘It is
what we Halflings are: strong, enduring, tempered, yet beautiful and powerful.
Place your hand upon it, Benyar the Outcast.’
huge lump of black stone was placed down before Benyar by the four Ironrenders.
With tears in his eyes, Benyar reached forward with his shackled hands and
placed them both upon the warm surface of the dark, glass-like rock.
‘Repeat after me,’ King Boragsson II
said. ‘I am Benyar, and I ‘ave wronged my people.’
Benyar swallowed. His lips trembled
and his tongue felt heavy in his mouth. ‘I am Benyar,’ he said in little more
than a whisper, ‘and I ‘ave wronged my people.’
‘With this oath I aim to set right,
through glory, what harm I ‘ave done to the Halflings,’ King Boragsson
continued as soon as Benyar finished.
‘Through this oath I aim to set
right, through glory, what harm I ‘ave done to the Halflings.’
‘Never will I return…’
‘Never…’ Benyar choked back a sob.
‘Never will I return…’
‘Unless I bear a glory for my people
tha’ is greater in magnitude than the crimes I committed against them, taken
from the darkest, most foul places in the Stone itself.’
pouring down his face and hands trembling, Benyar continued. ‘Unless I bear a
glory for my people tha’ is greater in magnitude than the crimes I committed
against them, taken from the darkest, most foul places in the Stone itself.’
the Heartstone, my life is forfeit. From this day until the day I return, I am
dead. May the Stone take my remains,’ King Boragsson II continued, unfazed and
undaunted by Benyar’s tears.
‘By the Heartstone,’ Benyar said through
wracking sobs, ‘my life is forfeit. From this day until the day I return, I am
dead. May the Stone take my remains.’
Boragsson II raised his noble head and its weighty crown high and looked down
upon Benyar. ‘I am Stonesworn,’ he said.
clamped his eyes and mouth shut for a few moments, taking several quick,
shallow breaths as he tried to control himself. He could feel every single
person in the High Chamber waiting for him to speak, waiting for him to condemn
himself to death. He could feel the ice-cold gaze of the king upon him, and the
unwelcoming eyes of the Ironrend Covenant boring into him.
had no choice. He had to say it. He would only make it worse for himself if he
protested or fought back. They might just
kill me now, he thought as he screwed his eyes shut even harder. They may just save whatever monsters are
lurkin’ down there in the Pits the job.
then Benyar thought of his younger brother. He thought of the betrayal that had
led him here. No, Benyar told
himself. I will do this, an’ then I will
return. An’ when I do, I’ll prove it was Gorgrim who did this. I’ll show them
all ‘ow wrong they were-…
the king’s stern voice broke into his thoughts. ‘Say the last line now.’
looked up and straight into King Boragsson’s eyes. Blinking the way the last of
his tears, he let his anger and hate boil inside of him until he was gripping
the obsidian hard enough to turn his large knuckles white. He ground his teeth
together and clenched his jaw, readying himself to say the final line of his
am Stonesworn.’
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